Mechanically welded press


When creating a mechanically welded (1/2" copper tube), the developed length is not displayed in evaluated value (Here is the message: "LENGTH@@@Tube Copper 1/2"<6>@Tube 7-8''. SLDPRT")

So, I change the profile with another tube and everything works. So I copy the model of the tube that works, and replace it with my sketch values and it doesn't work anymore again. A mystery, isn't it?

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance


Have you tried to restart SolidWorks and the workstation or a CTRL + Q?

It looks a lot like a bug...


I tried restart, CTRL + Q, nothing helps...

Probably the model that is misconfigured.

When you compare the 2, do you see a difference?

Absolutely none. I duplicated the model that works to recreate it, but still this bug when I make it a mechanically welded

I found the problem: it's the designation (in the "Description" property of the template) that seems to be the problem.

I replaced the Description 1/2"  Copper Tube with 1-2 inch Copper Tube and it works!

Apparently the specific symbols are not well taken into account.


For those who are interested...