
I have a recurring problem with DFMXPress. When I do an analysis, it considers all the holes to be wrong, whether it is done with the drilling wizard or not. The error message indicates that the holes are made with a diameter of 0 mm when this is not the case (see attached image).

Anyone know how to solve this problem?

For my part, I have to specify the units (MMGS) each time and then go to the "standard drill sizes" parameters and specify "Metric" again and only then does it correctly take into account the drillings.

One more question, do some draftsmen usually use DFMXPress for their work?

Thank you 




I don't know anything about solidworks that has worked, because I work under inventor.


However, when looking at the error message, it is marked:


Manufacturing Process:




Wouldn't it be possible that your milling is the same diameter as your drilling, which could be the source of your problem?


Under inventor, if you do a 10 mm diameter drilling with a 10 mm diameter milling it is not possible.


I don't know if this will help you


Kind regards





We do not use DFMXPress in our business.

Are the units correct before you change them?

Isn't this a problem in your default templates?

Can you send a file to test?



- open a new file

- Open DFMXpress, configure it (document unit for example)

- save as a template.


And then normally he keeps the conf of dfmxpress.


uh in "as such" instead of "temp"... Sorry

In fact I just checked because I don't use it often. But this does not work my manip.


When closing sw, the dfmxpress parameters are lost.

More answers... I'll close the question, too bad