Difference Between a Part and a Toolbox Part

Attached is a ZIP where the .EXE and the subfolders (so the dll files)  that go with it are located, hoping it works!

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It doesn't work either:( I always have the same message. Do the dlls have to be copied to a particular folder?


PS: Lucas, I hope you saw that I had settled the question yesterday... even if the thread continues;)

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The DLL file was in :

C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks

While the tool is in:

C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\Toolbox\data utilities




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Valentin, I have therefore revised the tree in this sense, with Lucas' files, but still the same message...

@Benoit think that on windaub you have to respect the file locations. if you paste a DLL in a place even next to the exe file it doesn't work

It's sure if your habit of eating apples the software works or that you stick them.

Call your administrator and start a repair of your system instead. The more you stick the more you fiddle with and the more you will have an unstable system. 

I don't know your computer level, but don't play the sorcerer's apprentice without having made a backup first.


@SPEM. Gerald


My computer level (in the Windobe sense) is not very heavy.


But you're right, I'm not going to play too much, I'll leave it at that.


Thank you all!

Yes, yes I saw that you had settled the question, don't worry! ;-)

And I had also seen that SEPM. Gerald had proposed the same answer as me, that's why I edited my answer afterwards!

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