Different dynamic forces (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My,Mz) on the same entity - SolidWorks Simulation 2019

Hi all

I am currently carrying out a fatigue study on a rotating shaft of a wind turbine. The assembly studied is attached. 

On each of the three turntables, I have 6 forces (3 forces & 3 moments according to X, Y & Z) that vary according to time (signal duration = 5 seconds).

However, when I apply several forces following different "time curves" and I start the simulation, SolidWorks opens the error message as an attachment.

From what I understand, it is therefore impossible for me to do such a study with SolidWorks. What do you think? Do you have a solution for me? 

Thank you in advance for your time. 

Kind regards 



Good evening

I can hardly help you because I only have the Premium 2021 version, but you seem to have the Simulation PRO version or higher

On the other hand, the message is quite explicit it seems to me.

A small remark that is a little off-topic: there is something strange in the thickness of the mechanically welded reinforcement.  This will inevitably influence the simulation. You can only see part of the constraints and nothing about the stress conditions on a model that looks hyper-static.

Kind regards


Personally, I'll try with a simplified model with a single plate and a gusset (thicker) to see if the calculation is done...


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Thank you for your answer. I tried with only 2 efforts (Fx=f(t) and Fy=f(t) over 5 seconds) on only one of the 3 frames and with a "Solidaire Global" contact to simplify the study as much as possible. Even then, it shows me the error message. 

Kind regards