Difficulty assembling my frozen part

Hello, in assembly mode I constrain an axis and the place where  the part should go. After this operation my piece is as if frozen. before I was able to move  it until the part was all constrained. I don't know what happened... My version is in English. Thank you

Hopefully, you just have a graphical bug. In which case a little CTRL+Q hit works well (it does it to me from time to time)


Otherwise, you must have over-constrained your assembly. If you try to give him a new rating, what does he say?

Coincoin, Jack is under inventor.


I think you're talking about Solidworks with your ctrl+Q, right?


control and Q doesn't work anymore...


I use Inventor Pro 2015 English version, thank you for helping me it's appreciating

@Bart: oops, indeed. That's what it's like to do Solidworks all day long, you see it everywhere!


Anyway, that said, it doesn't prevent the rest of the intervention. Aren't you overstressed? If you try to put new constraints on this part, what does the software tell you?


If I have 2 cubes with 2 holes each.  I have an original part that is blocking its c a normal c option. I start I constrain one hole axis with the other, I click apply. The part is positioned in line with the axis. Afterwards I should be able to move my piece  again because I am missing a hole axis to constrain. The play becomes blue like Mormal but refuses to move. I can't be over-constrained because it's at the beginning of the  first operation.   It's really strange and annoying I'd say lol. I must have hung on to what and I don't know what it is.. Too bad that has no reset button.. I reset the ribbon but it doesn't reset the options to zero

ho cow. I'm not an ace speller (far from it) but now, it's really difficult to read and understand!


The fact that your first part is blocked is in no way binding. It shouldn't affect your problem.

It's been a while since I've used Inventor, so I don't remember if it allows the free movement of parts or if it's considered blocked when they have degrees of freedom.

I guess so, but you tried to right-click to remove the block option?


Very very stupid question, but your two holes are indeed co-axial? Can't there be a small difference in the distance between the axles?


This is the 3rd time I've asked the question, but I don't see the answer. If you try to force the movement by once again constraining your 2nd part compared to the 1st, does Inventor start to shout or does it validate the constraint?


Sorry.. I almost finished my assembly which took me a day and the problem occurred. I opened another assembly page and it seems correct... Nothing to understand about it. I restart my work.   As far as the axes are concerned, they are coaxial. I made a new assembly with the same parts and it works very well... Thank you for your help!



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You caught a little bug in short. It's not the appanage of Solidworks haha!


In short, so much the better if you solved the problem:)

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