Distribution, file location

Hi all

In order to have a design office where we all use the same files, (document templates, background plan, nomenclature templates...)
I'm looking for a quick and easy way to broadcast the paths to all workstations.

I have a position with all the right paths,
How do I duplicate it on other PCs?

Is there a way to automate these paths in case of an update...?

In my opinion, you have to do the work on one workstation, save the user settings, and then import them to the other stations. (Tools -> save/restore settings).

You can import only the System Options, which avoids losing the user's customizations (toolbar, shortcuts, etc.).


Same answer as Matthieu. :)

Hello @Matthieu and @Philippe B

Don't you think that this will make all the stations lose the options concerning the customization of each station for icons, etc... (everyone has their own habits).

If I understand what you are proposing, touch the . SLREG, right?  (otherwise I didn't say anything ;-)   )

So no and yes. The Reg remains a file. You can create 10 different ones if you want (which is done by service for example to have a BE file, 1 Methods file, 1 Doc file ... in short, each service has its own personalization).

Otherwise, look at the "uncheckable" options, it will answer your question:)

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Apparently, we can choose not to inject all the parameters...

To see what "system options" really includes

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