Automatic sizing .mdb

Hello everyone,

I am new to a company and alone in the BE.

Anyway today I'm here to ask for help.

I have a sizing of an elevator to do, it has already been done in 3D before my arrival.

The person before me created a file with just a few sides to enter to automatically resize my assembly.

That said, I don't know how to get access to this famous file.

I found a .mdb file that corresponds exactly to what I want but Solidworks can't find it.

Where do I save its path and how do I open it?

I don't know if that's too understandable, and I apologize in advance. (I work under SW 2016).

Thank you!!!


see this MBD tutorial

in theory you'll find the right shoe for you ;-)

@+ ;-)

@gt22: I think you're wrong. SolidWorks MBD is made for this past of drawing.

Here, it 's mdb and not mbd. This is an Access data base file. I know that the simulation module creates this type of file. In this specific case, I don't know which module was used.

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It is a form   .mdb 

Which I found in the company's database. 

But I don't know where to make it find its way through the file locations.

And also how to open it afterwards with solidworks when I have a lift to resize.

It's complicated... I've been on it for a while.

I don't mind modifying a lifter but in the future if I have others, I'd like to use this form.

Can you send the SW file and the mdb?

@ remrem yes you reason confused the place of the d/b ;-(

If Access Database

So boxes to fill in that have an Excel link  and therefore the quotes are controlled via Excel

So Microsoft Office

@+ ;-)


The files .mdb are managed by DriveWorks seems to me. Try by going through this complement, you should be able to charge it with. 



I just tried with your supplement.

Indeed that's right, at least I can open the file and enter my sides.

But for the moment it doesn't work when I validate in my assembly.

I'll let you know if I can change something:D


Hello everyone,

So after using your driveworks tool I had a problem because it couldn't find the assembly to resize so I clicked on the window at the bottom right.

After that I manually found its path and my assembly automatically changed the dimensions I wanted, with a loading time of a few minutes.

Thank you very much for your very helpful answers:D


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