Gantry lifting sizing

For my internship project I have to design a lifting gantry
load to be transported 1000kg
3m range
gantry height 3m
What are the methods for dimensioning the elements of the structure?

I started to calculate the upper PEI like this:

the problem that arises I find an IPE 120 while the manufacturers take an IPE 180, I am looking for how to apply the safety coefficients to arrive at symilary results to design in CAD

Thank you


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you add a coef of security

that's not +

and via this coef you see what the section is

I think I have already given you the links for the load calculation of the beams

@+ ;-)

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I saw the link you gave me

On this link the gentleman used an IPN80 profile he said it's not important?

and no safety coef he just multiplied the charge


with the formula I have attached can I calculate with its safety standards

Thank you



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well yes it's logical and normal

Multiplying the load is like adding a coef of social security, right?

if you do a calculation for 2 t to work only for 1

you have a coef of security, right?

See these links in addition

In theory and in practice you should find what you are looking for

or I don't understand anything anymore what can be possible ;-(

Happy reading

and give us the different results of your studies ;-)

@+ ;-)) 

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Here are some calculations I made, thank you for correcting me if you see errors in the sizing

I want to size the 4 bars that support the columns (I did the modeling in CATIA, but I am trying to calculate the dimensions analytically  I think I have to review the finite  element courses consider them as members that work in tension compression

thanks for the help


For this type of calculation you can use either Eurocode 3 or the FEM (European Handling Federation) rules.

In summary, you take at least a safety factor of 1.5 on your charges. Afterwards, you can check that the bending of your beam is less than 1/300th of the span.

For all handling, it is generally checked that the safety margin is at least 3 in relation to the elastic limit and at least 5 in relation to the break.


I only looked at it very quickly but a few remarks about the elements you sent:

- on the calculation of your load descent (page III), you count 5000 N of load. This is only true if the load is centered on the horizontal beam. If it can move, the hoist can come to the end of the beam and therefore you will have the entire load (10000N or almost) on the pole.

- on inclined bars, the reaction is greater than the vertical force. But it is also divided by 2 since there are 2 bars.

- On compression elements, be careful to also check the buckling, which can be more restrictive than the stresses.

- On the last page, I didn't understand what you're trying to check.


Thank you Chamade for these clarifications, it helps me a lot for the project

On the last page (3) I started to size the inclined bars, but I haven't finished here