Doc Manager API - GetExternalFeatureReferences3 function


I'm new to using the Document Manager APIs.

There's something I don't quite understand about the GetExternalFeatureReferences3 (ISwDMDocument27) method.

Environment: an assembly with multiple configs, in some configs there are components in the "deleted" state.

Objective: via the Document Manager, for each config, retrieve the list of components (first level), without those that are in the "deleted" state.

Achievement: I use the GetExternalFeatureReferences3 function on the ISwDMDocument27 object, after creating the search options.

        ' Get external references
        dmExtRefOption = dmDocMgr.GetExternalReferenceOptionObject2
        dmExtRefOption.Configuration = vCfgName
        dmExtRefOption.NeedSuppress = False
        dmSearchOpt = dmDocMgr.GetSearchOptionObject()
        dmSearchOpt.SearchFilters = (SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchExternalReference + SwDmSearchFilters.SwDmSearchForPart)
        dmExtRefOption.SearchOption = dmSearchOpt

        ' Gets the paths and filenames of the external references, 
        ' whether the external references are broken, and the names of their 
        ' referenced configurations
        numExtRefs = dmDoc.GetExternalFeatureReferences3(dmExtRefOption)
        extRefs = dmExtRefOption.ExternalReferences


Problem: in the search options, whether I set NeedSuppress to True or False, I find in my list of external references all the components, whether they are in "deleted" or not.

Is there anything I misunderstood about using this feature?

Should I rather go through the extraction of the xml from the  head file? ( ISwDMDocument::GetXMLStream)

I need your enlightenment...


Edit: I wanted to put the complete code, but apparently the site blocks it...


In my opinion, the Needsupress function looks for deleted refs, not deleted components.


And more particularly the partoie remarks:

To find out if a reference is suppressed:

  1. Call ISwDMComponent6::P athName to set the component returned by ISwDMDocument15::GetExternalFeatureReferences.
  2. Call ISwDMComponent::IsSuppressed.

The suppression states of all of the external references are also stored in the parent document. To obtain this information in XML format, call ISwDMDocument::GetXMLStream.

For me with Call ISwDMComponents6 then Call ISwDSMComonent::ISSuppressed you can do without the management via XML.

If I understood everything correctly!

Yes that's what I saw in the doc, but I don't really understand the distinction between "deleted reference" and "deleted component"...? (at least in an assembly)

I'll see what I can do with ISwDMComponent::ISSuppressed

Digging into SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr, I saw that there were also GetComponents and GetComponentVisibleByDisplayStateName functions on the ISwDMConfiguration17 object

I have the impression that it corresponds better to what I am looking for, I will also look at this side.


I still find that the Document Manager doc is not great, compared to the Solidworks API doc...


so I go through the getcomponents function (on the config), then I check the status with ISwDMComponent::ISSuppressed.

(I could have stayed with the getexternalreferences3 function, and done the same IsSuppressed check, but the getcomponents function required less code in the end.

    Sub Recup_listeComposants()

        'reinitialisation de la liste des composants'
        ReDim ListeComposants(0)

        Dim FlagDebut As Boolean
        FlagDebut = True
        Dim FlagCorrespondance As Boolean
        FlagCorrespondance = False

        'parcours config'
        Dim vComponents As Object

        vComponents = swCfg.GetComponents

        If Not (IsNothing(vComponents)) Then

            Dim swDmComponent As SwDMComponent11

            For i = 0 To UBound(vComponents)

                swDmComponent = vComponents(i)

                'verif composant non supprimé'
                If Not swDmComponent.IsSuppressed Then

                    'ajout à la liste des composants'

                    'verif si première entrée'
                    If FlagDebut Then
                        EntreeListeComposantsNouveau(0) = swDmComponent.PathName
                        EntreeListeComposantsNouveau(1) = swDmComponent.ConfigurationName
                        EntreeListeComposantsNouveau(2) = 1
                        ListeComposants(0) = EntreeListeComposantsNouveau
                        FlagDebut = False
                        'verif si entree deja existante (ajout flag)'
                        For Each EntreeListeComposants In ListeComposants
                            If (EntreeListeComposants(0) = swDmComponent.PathName And EntreeListeComposants(1) = swDmComponent.ConfigurationName) Then
                                EntreeListeComposants(2) = EntreeListeComposants(2) + 1
                                FlagCorrespondance = True
                                Exit For
                                FlagCorrespondance = False
                            End If


                        'si pas de correspondance, ajout entree'
                        If Not FlagCorrespondance Then
                            ReDim Preserve ListeComposants(UBound(ListeComposants) + 1)
                            ListeComposants(UBound(ListeComposants)) = {swDmComponent.PathName, swDmComponent.ConfigurationName, 1}
                        End If
                    End If

                End If

            Next 'component'

        End If

    End Sub
    • Da

In this function I go through the entries retrieved with getcomponents to make a list of the components used (file + config) with their quantity.

There may be cleaner, but it works:)


I'm still interested, if someone can explain to me why the GetExternalFeatureReferences3 function (ISwDMDocument27) doesn't filter for deleted components when you set needsuppress to false (the difference between reference and componant?)


Thank you


I think there is one that checks the feature manager tree and the other checks the information stored in the file's memory (the asms keep in memory the links to the different files they call). Hence the notion of components and references.

Unless I'm mistaken, DocManager allows you to work on files without opening them, hence probably this behavior in SW on an open file.