Dual graphics card


Has anyone ever tried to pair a standard graphics card (second Pcie port) with a quadro pro (first Pcie port)?

I work with 2 screens and to lighten my little quadro 600 I added an old 9600gs as well as my 3D and on the 24' on the pro card and the 23' on the gs9600 for my spreadsheets or explorer.

I was wondering if it was me who was fantasizing or if my impression of a better display gain is real.....


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Hi SEPM. Gerald SW 2013;


uhhh... This is completely genetic manipulation;)


Without being able to answer your question 'technically' I would say that the best place to see if there is a display gain is you! 


And why not make a tutorial out of it?



@ Cédric Bréban

I'm already on a "home made" system so a tutorial won't be a general reference.

It's a friend who makes a video who suggested this to me because there is a lot of manipulation to do from the bios on the priority of the PCIe ports and thus orient the resources of the components.

My workstation is based on an ASUS Barbone P8Z77 so the solidworks masters would cry sacrilege.

But now I've just done several tests and my assemblies with more than 1000 parts have a better traction (clearly when I turn the assembly there are no more big cubes)


so in summary I changed the bios config to orient all the 16x resources on the PCIe 1 port and allocate an 8x use on the PCIe 2 port



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not knowing your motherboard, your proc

if you have plugged the 2 cards directly into the motherboard

 knowing that SW is mono core 

if you have a dual screen and 1 graphics card/screen


including the specific quadro for SW

and the GS 9600 for Windaube and the rest

it can only be better 


That's my point of view


@+ ;-)

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Hi @gt22 here is my config for info.

what do you mean by SW mono core?




that your proc is 4 cores or cores ditto


SW only works on 1 core except  for the simule and pv360


you have 3 cores left for the rest


so more than enough to power your 9600 which only works for internet and spreadsheet


@+ ;-)

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Thank you@gt22

BUT IT'S A SCAM at the price you pay for the software he could work with a little more core lol

so a pc with an intel core and a large graphics card would be enough for a classic use of SW on a single monitor.



_un mono core proc is enough to do SW.


answer is yes   if no simulated and PV360



 a large graphics card would be enough for a classic use of SW on a single monitor.


answer: an Open GL pro card with SW  approved drivers or driver (no need for a big card)


See link below



the most important for SW is the frequency of the 3.4Ghz mini proc


@+ ;-)

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