DraftSight (Getting Started)


I recently downloaded the software in question and am experiencing some difficulties.

I have a problem with the blocks, not for the creation but for the creation of a file

to create a library.

Could someone help me? Thank you.

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See this COM thread



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What exactly is the problem? Just create a file with several blocks in it, right?

Because there is no DesignCenter (or Palette) in the free version of DraftSight.

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Indeed, I manage to create several blocks in the same file

and when (within the same file) I request the insertion of a block,

The list of the various blocks created appears correctly.

The problem arises when I want to recall these blocks in a different file

of the block creation process.

I found the "save blocks in a file"  form ExportMplan command but I sin (it seems to me) on the creation of the destination file ...?


A standard file doesn't do the trick?

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I think I have identified the problem but still not solved...

At the end of the ExportMPlan command, I have to determine in which folder to save my newly created block file. This is where I crash because in the end I save my block as a new file in its own right and not as a file inside a folder. 

And the problem is... that I simply don't know how to create a folder...!

Thank you for your patience.

Indeed I just tested and we have to create a new file with ExportMPlan.

So for me the easiest way is to keep a DWG file open and copy and paste the blocks you want to keep.


For more readability when you have a lot of blocks, you can add a text annotation just below to find them more easily with a search (CTRL + F).

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Hello and thank you for your help.

I'll try to explain to you where I am and where I'm stuck. It remains to be seen whether what I desire

is achievable on the free version of DraftSight...?


DraftSight is a clone of AutoCAD, so I'm looking to reproduce the logic I apply 

on the latter. (logic that escapes me... but which I imagine to be quite classic 

on all CAD software)


To create a block library on AutoCAD:


1/ Opening a file for drawing the different blocks. 

For example, everything related to the various types of wood joinery.

This file (source) will have the following path: DDUR/AutoCAD/menuiseriesbois.dwg


2/ I create a destination file to which all my blocks will be sent (it is in this file that 

I'd go get my blocks)

This file (destination) will have the following path: DDUR/menuiseriesbois.dwg


3/ For example, I draw a door in the source file.


4/ I transform the simple drawing into a block so that I can call it from any other file.

On AutoCAD, I use the WBLOC command at the end of the input, I save the block under the destination file

giving it a name: DDUR/carpentry/porte.dwg


To create a block library on DraftSight. 


1/ Opening a file for drawing the different blocks.

For example, everything related to the various types of wood joinery.

This (source) file will have the following path:


(no worries for this operation)


2/ I create a destination file to which all my blocks will be sent (it is in this file that

I'd go get my blocks)

This file (destination) will have the following path: ???? I don't know where to create it...


3/ For example, I draw a door in the source file. (no worries)


4/ I transform the simple drawing into a block so that I can call it from any other file.

On DraftSight, I use the ExportMPlan command at the end of the input, I save the block under the destination file

by giving it a name: ?????? as I didn't manage to create the destination file... I can't send it anywhere...