Driver quadro 2014

Are you on Windows 7? Have you ever done a system restore with W7?

What were the problems encountered? I've done it before and I didn't have any problems.

@bart, it's precisely the problem of the drivers (hence the post) 


So after some tedious handling

Reconfiguration of the bios to have the maximum management on the Pcie 1 x16 (combined of a friend who makes videos)

Removal of the GPU, motherboard

Setting up second Pcie 2 port


Back to the 2013 driver for the quadro=> same problem

Reinstalling the 2014 driver=> still having problems!


Removed the fx9600 => the machine is stable again.improvement!!


Installing NVIDIA driver and not SPE Dassault=>ok

Putting the 9600 back in=>OK



So result of the races:

The recent drivers of an fx 9600 and a quadro 600 at solidworks are not compatible with each other


So my choice is to save money and buy a more powerful quadro card and to use only this one.



So for the distribution of points I think Lucas talked about the incompatibility between the two cards and gt22 about the incompatibility of the drivers.....


So lucas being second in the general classification.... but only to talk about the maps


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@Bart on the other hand, since I reinstalled the solidworks driver, my main screen no longer has a wallpaper. When you did the manipe you had the same problem?

When installing your drivers, you wouldn't have installed the GeForce driver after the Quadro?

It seems to me that when you have two graphics cards it is not possible to install two different drivers but I could be wrong.

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I'll come back to the history of drivers 

I'm stubborn and sometimes it pays off.

On the Dassault website there are 2 drivers, 320.78 and 331.82

On the NVIDIA certified driver site we find the 320.78 and the 311.50


So I installed the 320.78 and since then it works much better.


After of course I bought a quadro K2000 and kept my 600 as a second card.

I remain convinced of the interest of 2 GPUs. A K5000 being too expensive for my budget, this solution at a lower cost remains acceptable. Especially when you already have a quadro card


The 320.78 driver is common to the 2 cards so no worries like with the Gforce.



@ Gerald I'm also convinced that 2 cards are better than one


especially for 2 screens and log dif

1 CAD card/display

1 internet card / screen and desktop log

but you need a multibody proc


@+ ;-)


I talked a little with @Bart, and I think his problem comes from this hybrid config card

On its motherboard it has an nvidia proc integrated and a quadro card added.

I had the bad experience that driver gforce and quadro don't mix.

You can have only one card but THE BIG CARD 


Today more and more motherboards have integrated GPUs, so you have to be vigilant about the configs in the Bios.

Personally I deactivated my integrated intel 4000 so as not to disturb my quadro



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@ Gerald 100% agree with your words

I had asked him it seems to me to remove the internal driver to the proc


@+ ;-)

I told him that it's only in expert mode that you can fire them lol


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