Pro/E File Duplication



I would like to know if there is a way to duplicate a part and its plan while keeping the associativity.

Let me explain:


I have a .prt and .drw whose reference is ABC.

I want to rename the 2 files to DEF. Unfortunately when I rename one or the other, it keeps the associativity with the old file i.e. ABC. So if I make changes to the DEF part, they don't show up on the plan since it depends on the ABC reference.

I don't know if I'm very clear, but thank you in advance for your help.


Software: Pro/E Wildfire 5





So I don't know ProE but in any case your problem is a classic associative software problem.

When you copy the part file and its plan, and rename them, the renamed plan file keeps a link to the old part file, because nothing tells it to do the opposite.

So the solution is to make a modification of this famous link, this is called either modifying the links or modifying the references or ....

Unfortunately I don't know the exact command in ProE...



I have just found the answer, which is, with a simple rest.


If it can help some people, just open the 2 files (.prt and .drw) and click on rename. Here you have to be careful to choose the option "rename to assignment" and especially not "rename to disk and session" because this renames the file without duplicating it.

Once you have renamed to assignment, the associativity is kept since the 2 files are opened and modified simultaneously. Just save them in the desired folder and voila, you have your 2 files for room ABC and your 2 files for room DEF and the associativities work.


Thank you Coyotte for your answer.

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