Exchange between solid workx 2016 and SW 2012


How do you have to work on SW2016 with plans made on 2012 and vice versa ?

Thank you

To work with SW2012 plans with SW2016, open your plan normally and work as if nothing had happened.

Opening SW2016 plans with SW2012 is not possible.




and yes as Frédéric says

On SolidWorks Unable to Open a Later Version

on the other hand the previous version no problem

a 2012 you open it with a 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017

but the reverse is impossible

before we had the possibility to do +1 with an SP5 of the previous version (2013 / 2014)

but it doesn't exist anymore

you have to sell log ;-)

@+ ;-)



For the parts, you should have them in STEP and use featureworks because it's a tool that recognizes functions in a STEP (save a 2016 file in STEP then open it with 2014 and use featureworks). Then you will have to redo the Drawings. I don't know of any other way.



thanks to the masterminds of SW

Thank you for the answers even if I suspected it


And yes...

When will there be a universal SolidWorks?


Where old versions can read future versions...

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never is it above all shopkeepers

The aim is to stabilise the inflow of money

so the way of the loc like the internet etc.... has become de rigueur

if you can work with a log for 10 years without worrying about the version

That's 9 years less profit........... therefore not profitable

And I think that all the CAD logs are not free.................... go and do the same

@+ :;-)


Hello everyone, I completely agree with you but even without brooding over the software, in 2016 there are functions that did not exist in 2012. As a result, the latter cannot recognize functions that did not exist when it was released!!

Kind regards


It is quite obvious that the new functions are not recognized

when is it not unfolded of the bomb part novelty 2016 it seems to me

It was an argument for selling the log


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I also work a lot with AUTOCAD and you can save to lower versions without any problem.

I understand that the evolutions are not taken into account, but on simple sheet metal work, it's a shame.


In fact, I think that for some functions there would be no problem. Only if Solidworks gave the possibility to open recent files with an older version, some parts would be full of errors. So to avoid complications they preferred not to allow the exchange of previous version.... It's a choice.

I also work on Autocad but the two software have nothing to do with each other, As for the 3D with Autocad in the end they are only lines in the 3 planes, while Solidworks, we really have volumes, materials etc...

Kind regards

All the basic functions remain the same from one version to another but the advanced functions it is clear that it will not find. A fold remains a fold, but a ferrule with a falling edge it will not find. Featureworks and there for simple parts (to be able to modify them)

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Thank you for the answers

I suspected that there was a wolf but hey in case I preferred to have the opinion of other users.

Thanks again

Sorry but that's not a better answer though! Whether you choose yourself or someone else, no problem, but note thanks as the best answer....


Have a nice day