Burst of a Burst, the return


I have a problem with the explosion:

I made the exploded of a subassembly, friends when it was time to reuse it in the final assembly, Solidworks refuses to take the exploded of the subassembly into account: "None of the selected subassemblies has an exploded view to reuse."

Thank you in advance for your answers

Hello, is it the active configuration that has the exploded view? The configuration of the subassembly in the parent assembly must have an exploded view, it does not work if the exploded one is for another configuration.

Yes, absolutely.

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Is the subset well resolved? Isn't it a complex assembly or hose problem?
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Yes, everything is good at this level too

Using the exploded view of a subassembly

If a subassembly already includes an exploded view, you can reuse that view in a top-level assembly.

To use the exploded view of a subassembly in an assembly :

  1. Select a subassembly for which you have already defined an exploded view.
  2. In the PropertyManager, click Reuse Subassembly Explode.

    The subassembly is exploded in the graphics area, and the steps in the corresponding exploded view are listed underExplode Steps.


I know where you got this answer but the help of solidworks doesn't help solve my problem (yes I looked before asking the question ^^")

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what version of SW are you under


Premium 2013 x64 SP0.0

Your subset (exploded view) has its proper name?

and registered as such?


It is aptly named as Éclaté

There are a lot of bugs on all SP0s

To be avoided as soon as possible, pass mini sp 1

@+ ;-)


erf, I have to see this with my computer scientist =/

Is there no other solution?

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And by testing on a new assembly just to see if the sub-assembly breaks up well this time?



Well I just tested it does the same, so the error is either software or human.


To find out if the problem is with the workstation configuration, see this tutorial to reset SolidWorks:



And when you test with another subassembly, there is no pb?

Otherwise we come back to pl's answer to check the confs and the bursts...

Or restart everything.


Or throw everything out the window to make a nice burst!!

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your sub-assembly which is in fact an assembly

that you have registered (assembled)) with his proper name

and that you have recorded (exploded) with a diff name

If you close your assembly (bursts) and reopen it, what happens?


absolutely nothing, I see with the reset of the software

do you see it burst or not