Burst files when saving x_t format


In the context of a project, the customer wants to synthesize all the co-contractors in parasolid format (.x_t).

With SolidWorks, when saving from the head-to-head assembly to .x_t, everything is merged into a single file. The customer would like each part and sub-assembly to be saved in separate files.

Do you know of a way to keep separate files when saving in .x_t format?

Thank you


When you save as, you choose the x_t format and in the same window you have an option button, click on it and see if you haven't flattened the tree or another option enabled.

For my pars under sw2020 I don't have this problem.

If I understand correctly: each part has its own file, your customer's request is not viable: he will end up with a bag of files and have to redo the assembly.

To do a batch process, you have to either go through a macro or through the MyCADTools

Thank you all for your feedback.

I have had feedback from the hotline which also confirms that it is not possible.

I close the subject.

Good luck