Edit Brushed Boss/Base Function to Add Slim Feature


When editing a part, extrusion, swept base etc...   The Slim Feature option cannot be added or removed.

Are there any plans to correct this problem?

For example, when you create a scanned base function, to create a tube, the thin function checkbox appears at the creation but if you forget to check it, it is no longer accessible to edit  the scanned base...

I am using the 2017 version of Solidworks Is this different on the 2018 version?

Thank you.


 you mean is it different on the 2018 version :-)

Post your piece and I'll tell you :-)

It's fixed "Is this different on the 2018 version" and not 2017....

I joined a piece with two bases swept on the same sketch.

Is it possible, without rebuilding everything, to pass the thin-scan1 without a slim function and to pass the scan1 with a slim function?


I just tested with 2 circles, one that I extrude in thin function and the other in classic.

For the 1st once the slim function is activated it remains activated, i.e. you can't even switch to normal function. (Slim Function Greyed Out)

For the other one it's the opposite, you can't activate the slim function after validating your function. (slim feature removed)

I had already noticed this "clamping" with the chamfers function with the invert option if you choose dimension/dimension or dimension/angle other than 45°.


I already had this "problem" on the 2014, it looks more like a choice of the software developers than a bug.

I've always seen this problem.

One way to get around it is to make a shell function, to be inserted just after the scan function.

Of course , there are several ways to solve this, but I don't see why such a restriction!!

Have a nice day.

There is also the solution of shifting geometry in the sketch.

The logic of the Dev. is impenetrable:)