Edit the material

In the feature manager, I can no longer edit the material by right-clicking;

See attached file


Have you ever edited the materials in the custom property of your piece?

there you look at the materials already edited but if you haven't edited any it's empty

here is loilou



Have you tried to:

1) Close the room to reopen it?

2) Restart SolidWorks

3) Restart the workstation?


It looks like a bug...

First thing: restart Solidworks.

Then if it does the same, it's possible that you've lost the links to the material libraries in System Option/File Location/Material Databases

1 Like

@PL is missing the job link

Another post modification



It's a question that comes up from time to time, the registry needs to be reset.





When I right-click on the part, I don't have access to the material menu

See attached file


As indicated in the links mentioned by LF:

You have to go to the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 20XX\general\Excel Edit Open and change the value to 0

To access the registry:
