Property Editor


When a piece is made and it is recorded.

I save the part number (file name)  and I save the description 

During the drawing the title block  receives the reference info, but not the description 

I am forced to use the properties utility

so there is double entry 

Can we avoid this problem ? 

Thanks in advance 




I do not quite understand the question.

All you have to do is enter the desired property in the title box (here Description) and it will be filled in directly. 


Thank you for your answer 

I come back to my question 

when recording a piece (recording as...)

SLDW opens the window  where 3 input boxes appear 

  • File  Name
  • Type 
  • Description 

If we fill in the description, how do we make this entry part of the properties without repeating it in a text box of the property editor.

 Regards Larghetto




Ok I understand the question better

I'm looking at tomorrow

Enjoy WE


What version are you on (Solidworks & Windows) are you?

Could you give us a screenshot of this famous window? Thank you

I think it's a description at the Windows level.
Is it recoverable in SW, good question.

Retrieving the Windows Description directly from the properties is not possible.

On the other hand, with a macro, I think you should be able to.


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You need to create a "Description" variable in the customize tab of your room and then put a text related to this variable ($PRPSHEET:"Description") in your plan. Normally, when saving your room as a document, if you fill in the description value, it will be put in your variable and then fill in your text in your plan.

Kind regards

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Hi all 

Ok for the manip recommended by D Roger, hum ... well not easy

especially since some properties  are defined directly during the design of the part

Example: Material  or Date of Creation, are automatically registered in the Property Editor, eliminating the manual de-entry window

and that in the case of D Roger the input window remains available for one entry 

Well I'll close this question and leave it to the hotline 

Thanks again 




You can create your "Description" variable in the customize tab of your part models (prtdot file) and assemblies (asmdot file), it will be filled in automatically when you save it (after having filled in the value when saving as) without you having to open the custom properties window.

Kind regards


You can create your "Description" variable in the customize tab of your part models (prtdot file) and assemblies (asmdot file), it will be filled in automatically when you save it (after having filled in the value when saving as) without you having to open the custom properties window.

Kind regards


Yes thank you it worked for the first piece, and then the second : splash  again

I saved the first one in prpdot, the link of the annotation for the cartouche worked well

The second the link didn't work, I saved it in prpdot, without result at the link level (maybe I should only have a model in prpdot)

I don't understand!!

I'm going to copy this conversation to the hotline, maybe I'll have the solution

I'm closing the subject so as not to clutter lynkoa

Thanks again



You can create your "Description" variable in the customize tab of your part models (prtdot file) and assemblies (asmdot file), it will be filled in automatically when you save it (after having filled in the value when saving as) without you having to open the custom properties window.

Kind regards


Yes thank you it worked for the first piece, and then the second : splash  again

I saved the first one in prpdot, the link of the annotation for the cartouche worked well

The second the link didn't work, I saved it in prpdot, without result at the link level (maybe I should only have a model in prpdot)

I don't understand!!

I'm going to copy this conversation to the hotline, maybe I'll have the solution

I'm closing the subject so as not to clutter lynkoa

Thanks again
