Direct Editing: Change Diameter/Move Cylindrical Face


I would like to change a diameter/move a cylindrical face in the same way as the "Move face" function. My objective would therefore be not to create a new "Extruded material removal" function in order to keep the same reference.

Do you have a solution for me?


Looking forward to reading you,


Kind regards.


not very clear the question. Want to have multiple configurations for a hole while using a feature like move the face? 

If so, why don't you use the move face feature?



@soring, first of all, thank you for your feedback. For context: I have a room with a lot of functions and a big risk of breaking a lot of things by editing a function of the tree. And, in the center of this part, there is an obviously, a kind of very large hole, cylindrical shape whose diameter I would like to change in the manner of a "Move face" function, so as to keep the reference of this face and therefore not to break the link with other references.

Silly question but this recess is probably linked to a dimension, why not just modify it


Hello @Rebière.S 

The question is? Is the diameter in question from a single sketch for him or included in a sketch with other functions?

Could you make us a screenshot of the part of the part having this diameter and also a copy of the creation tree with the sketch that includes this diameter.

I agree with @soring in the difficulty of understanding your PB.

Kind regards


If I understand, to get the (maybe) same result you could extrude 2 concentric circles (donut) from the previous sketch rather than extruding a single circle and then proceeding with a smaller one.

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@Sylk, if I'm not mistaken, I'd lose the reference to this side if I did so...

I understand better. You want to attempt changes at the end of the tree so that you don't influence other features that depend on this hole.

So the direct modification is made (too) for that. In the menu of this face shift function there is a submenu that allows you to choose between face shift, translation, or function rotation. The value of this displacement is configurable it seems to me.



No. Or rather yes, but it is enough to designate this one as a reference instead.

Finally, if you provided more details and images of what you want to do, everyone would see more clearly and have more relevant answers to give you.


@Zozo_mp Forprivacy reasons, I unfortunately can't share anything.

@soring yes, you see where I'm going with this.

However, I tried with direct editing and there don't seem to be any functions or settings that would allow me to achieve my goals. And, implicitly, that was my initial question: is there a way to do it differently?

Yes, direct edition under SW is very limited. Only "move face" and "face removal" are useful for you. These are the two that modify existing functions without having to recognize them beforehand. In other words, if you import a step, you can modify it directly with these two functions within certain limits (that's already not bad).

For example, "move the face" and then check "offset" will increase the diameter of your hole. By checking "translater" it will place it elsewhere in xyz. With "delete face" + "delete and fill... " You can remove the piercing". By playing with these two functions plus combinations, you can create multiple versions of the same room without touching the tree structure. 

That's all I know about direct editing. Maybe on the recent SW versions it's richer.