Material removal . In Solidworks 2020. Is it possible to keep my body intact (Length) in my nomenclature because it creates a new body for me. Thank you


Far too little information to be able to provide a solution...


I created a multi-body Mecano welded piece

In my room P02   It's the construction of a wall. My panel  lengths to use are all equal  on my nomenclature and it will take 16 panels for my construction and that's what I want to see appear.

On the other hand, I have to drill holes to place a window.

In my P01 part, I removed material , Solidworks adds lines in my nomenclature, so that I have the same material, yet I still have my same 16 panels of the same length.

I would like it to remain in my nomenclature as my room 02 but with my glass holes.

I attach a screenshot of my two rooms.

Thank you


The thing is that from the moment you modify the geometry of one of the elements of a group of "copies" it becomes different from the latter, so becomes a new body. With 11 solid boards, 2 with hole on the left and 3 with hole on the right, you have to have 3 different types of boards, so 3 bodies.

The single board looks like it has to be part of the "hole on the right" group, but it has to have one thing that differs for it to be set apart.

If the boards are perfectly symmetrical on both sides, and you want to reduce the length of the BOM you can create a part for the board with a hole on the left, and use it in 5 copies in the assembly, rotating 3 of them to make "holes on the right". The nomenclature will then have only 2 types of plates; 11 full and 5 holes. That's 2 lines.


Thank you very much appreciated your answer.