Material removal, smoothing and then unfolding in sheet metal

Good evening everyone!

Being a novice on SW I need your help to unfold a sheet metal piece...

Problem: I made it via the "Transition folds" function, I manage to unfold it so far, on the other hand when I cut my intersection with the "Material removal - Smoothing" function impossible to unfold ><" and apparently it's only due to 2 folds that make a mistake in the tree! Folds 7 and 4, apart from those he unfolds all the others... weird huh? Maybe there is a little trick to force him??

I need the press with the intersection cut to send my laser flows...

No matter how much I scrutinize all the tutorials and forums I can't find suitable solutions, if this has already been mentioned somewhere I apologize for my post but could you tell me?

I'll put the screens in PJ

Thanks in advance!

PS: I'm on SW2015



You have to edit the sketch and keep the rightmost shape (the shape of the future material removal) and for the rest delete and draw a shape that encompasses the rest of the part and then you can do a normal material removal or the part will unfold.


I looked at your play and for me you make 2 mistakes. The first is that in your sketches for the transition folds you draw the radii of the folds. Let the software do it, simply draw straight lines without a seam radius. Secondly, you subtract your sheet metal that is not perpendicular to one face, which is equivalent to saying that you cut your sheet metal at an angle in the slice, so your sheet no longer has a perpendicular edge.

  What I did, I removed the rays in your sketches, I made a solid, I did my subtraction and then a sheet metal convention.

May the force be with you.

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OBI WAN's solution is the best. This morning I answered from my smartphone and now I just opened the room. I would have said and done the same thing as our Jedi... :-)

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I always tend to complicate my path by tracing all the lines 

I didn't even know about the Separation  Line function ^^"

Thank you so much!!