Material removal by scanning

Hi all

I'm looking to make an O-ring groove on a cylindrical surface and around a hole?

I can't represent it correctly in 3d!

Anyone have an idea?

(on Solidworks 2014 sp.5)

Thanks in advance

Is a revolution not enough?

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By making a concentric circle at the drilling and then use the curved function to get the trajectory.

After creating a plane passing through the axis of the hole, sketch the profile of the groove, then remove material by revolution, having made the temporary axes appear in the display menu.

No, a revolution is not enough.

The projected curve is the best solution yes, it gives me a better result than a spline around the drilling.


Thank you

I want a preview of the result because I don't follow too much there.

An O-ring is really circular?!


Here's an overview


It's more meaningful

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You can also do a simple removal of material by extrusion, specifying "translated in relation to the surface", "translating the surface".
