Surface part material removal


I know the title doesn't make any sense (no material on a surface...) but I didn't know how to say that :-)

There you go, I created a .sldprt from a .step file from a provider.

And I would simply like to cut the part in 2 but the part being composed of a multitude of surfaces, I don't know how to do it...

(I have already tried to sew the piece but mistakes because there are certainly discontinuities, etc...)

If you have an idea...

Thank you in advance.

(I have a SW 2016 version)


Personally I would cut all the surfaces with the limit plane.

So you should be able to select all the surfaces on one side and manage to delete them (possibly hide the other surfaces before if there are selection problems)

Hello froussel,

Are you talking about just removing surfaces or is it a specific function?

(I really don't know anything about surface)

If it's removing surfaces, it doesn't work because for example the tube straddles my cutting plane.


The Area Restrict Surface feature may be suitable.
It uses a plan or a sketch to act.
It is rather laborious if the number of surfaces to be kept or removed is large since they have to be selected one by one.
But it is possible to do it in several times, by repeating the function with the Remove Selections option.
It should be noted that the cross-sectional visualization of an assembly converted into a surface part is not always very readable.

Kind regards.

