Remove material... Precisely/Defined Body

Good evening everyone,


Today I'm stuck on a simple trick: the removal of material.


I would like to remove only the hatched part, from the revolution which merges with the bolt spacer (bluish part)

Would you know how to do it?


Thank you!

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Hello if I understood correctly, here is what you should do: 1: Create a sketch with a material removal function in your room. ( makes the shape more or less as it should be ) 2: go back to your assembly and click on the part (the one in blue) 3: Then made editing of parts




Thank you for your answer, I've already used this technique, but given the shape of the part (yes part in this case, not an assembly), it's complicated, because the base is a form of revolution with a shape.curve.

It would be necessary to be able to start from the curved surface of the revolution to a vertical extrusion direction.




Have you tried an extrusion material removal with the black surface as the end condition?



I think the splitting tool is the solution because it allows you to remove a volume by splitting it with the surrounding faces .

may the force be with you.



if you make a midway plane perpendicular to your current hatching

so parallel to your boss plan in black

creates a sketch

and removal of material in 2 directions until the surface

I think it should work

@+ ;-)



You can sketch the two bodies and then use the split function to separate them. Then make your sketch and then do your material removal by selecting "up to the body";)

The feature can also be used in an assembly in the Assembly Feature topic.


If the goal is to do this in the assembly, it's very simple, just use the subtract option from the combine function:

Help page:

Otherwise, you have to insert the part into the part (in multi-body) and use this same function.

Good evening everyone,


Thank you for your answers!


Alas, I tried the technique with the surface as the end of extrusion, but without success, the error: "Rebuilding error: The planned material removal does not cross the model. Please check the sketch and direction"


Having tried with 2-3 different combinations, still no success... Look at the shape that the extrusion has to come to, maybe it comes from there?





I think it would be better to keep the vertical "cylindrical" part as an unfused body until the removal of material (only on this independent body). Then use the combine function to merge the 2 parts of the room.

Redo a plane parallel to the last plane you made, this shot makes it at the axis of the part you have to remove

since the problem is according to your last screenshots that it does not find the end  well for the removal of material 

so you shift by x millimeter 

Once this plan is made, you cut your piece

you convert the entities to have the sketch that follows well your circumference  of the matter has removed and

The same goes for the other way

and it should work

What version of solidworks do you have if 2012 or lower?



Is it possible to provide us with the part or just the part concerned?

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I'm back with my fractional functionion, I drew a part to test and the result is not bad, I think it should do it.


may the force be with you.



well after tests I understand your problem better

Everything I've told you doesn't work

in one way or another, even with the addition of surfaceshifts  in surface

it doesn't work, the removal doesn't stop at the said surface 

So do your material elevation to crop the part by trying to make your sketch better

Once done you will have to fill the room

So you take the tool in section view

you recreate the sketch that allowed you to make the main ring and re revolution

it's the only walkthrough I found ;-(euyman



see attached file SW 2012





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The simplest (and which should work):

You go back up your tree before the revolution that creates the matter you want to remove.

At this point the surface on which you want to stop your removal of matter must exist.

You select your surface and make a sewn surface function -> SW creates a surface for you.

You go back down to the bottom of your tree and you remove material to the sewn surface you just created, it should work (the material removal sketch must be totally contained in the surface).


It's okay I did it again! I don't really know how yet but it was more on the side of the symmetry options well an inexplicable mess ..


Thank you all in any case for your responsiveness and your help!



nice part it reminds me of a propeller box with variable blades

Very nice achievement Bravo

@+ ;-)

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Thank you!


Yes, that's absolutely it! Hamilton Standard 24E60 Hydromatic Four-Blade Propeller Hub (F4U-4 Corsair Propeller among others)

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@ Hueyman

That's exactly what I thought ............................; -)........................; -)

@+ ;-)

See this link

I had already communicated some time ago on the subject for the design of this propeller 

but either I don't remember anymore on which forum or with whom my brain plays tricks on me

if I find it I will give news and therefore the links

(but I just realized that we may have already communicated on the same subject here or elsewhere in view of the last link I gave since it's the same Heuyman username on the other hand I still have the same username)... ;-)

@+ ;-)