Removing the ends that protrude on a body

Hello, on the image below you can see the module I make.
I have to remove the ends that protrude and keep only the inside faces.
Is there a feature that would allow me to do this quickly?

Thank you



Just edit the part in the assembly and then you create a sketch there and you convert the edge of the perpendicular part that needs to fit the part and you do a material removal and voila.

Or you can edit the part and edit the sketch and constrain the part sketch based on the other parts.

It is a unique part for a model and not an assembly.

Thank you for your answer

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Is it an import or all drawn in the part file?

It's drawn in a part file, it's not sheet metal.

Thank you for your answer

Well, you click on the face of the little triangle and you sketch there, and then you select the edge of the perpendicular part where the triangle should stop, and you have the entities converted and you do your material removal and you repeat the operation as many times as you have parts sticking out.


Okay, thank you. I was hoping that there was a function that could save me time.

Thank you for your answer

Try to see the function delete the face it's in the surface functions if it can save you time