Saving configuration in separate files


I come up against a problem in theory simple but I can't find the trick.

I have a part file with about ten configs.
I would like to save each config in a separate file, in sldprt format.
Small compexity, we use a PDM, which names the new parts via a counter. I want these new parts to be named according to this counter (and not with the name of the original part + a suffix)

How do we do that?

I found exports in Step, or in STL, but not in sldprt.

Help then...

When does the vault name the files?
There were utilities for splitting configurations, but from memory they named the files with the original name + name of the conf.

during the first recording.
If I create a new part, SW names it Piece1, and as soon as I save it to the vault, it is automatically renamed via the counter.

Right-click on a configuration and then save the configuration as a New Part. Then you choose the configurations to export.
You will have to manually rename them to integrate them into the chest.

Thank you for the answer, but that's not quite it.

When I select several configurations according to your method, it creates a file with the selected configurations. But not one file per config.
On the other hand, as it asks me where I want to save, if I select the safe, the naming is correct.

I must have had a macro from Cadware somewhere that did the split job. I may have it on an external drive, I'll check that tonight if I have time.

I have a macro that does the job.
It will give your part file the name of your configuration.
may the force be with you. (683.3 KB)

Hello @OBI_WAN

I tried to use your macro but without success. I admit that I'm not good with macros... I downloaded your macro then I opened my part containing multiple config and ran the macro via → macro tool → run but I get this error message:

Any idea to unlock the pb?

Thanks in advance

Open your room and double click here

may the force be with you.

Well I succeeded but my anti-virus deletes the executable while running...

Otherwise, the myCADtools Integration tool can do this
On the other hand, for the naming it will add the name of the configuration to the name of the original file