I'm currently trying to take the code of a macro I found (http://www.lynkoa.com/forum/documents-commerciaux/ma-macro-pdf-dxf-quoi-en-dire). It was running on SW2013 (I'm on SW2015). I specify that I don't know anything about VBA, so I try to transpose my knowledge into other languages to solve the problems.
I first got the error Project or library not found. I copied the code from the original file and pasted it back into a new macro and it seems that it solved the problem.
Now, it seems that my macro is no longer running as it should (well, it is running but not as I would like). I run it and it tells me that it couldn't save files in DXF.
The avenues I am considering:
-Macro does not detect that SW2015 is open
-The macro does not find the MEP currently open (but normally, it should show me an error)
PS: I tried to add a small piece of code to check that the destination folder exists. However, it didn't launch either, I put it in the comments and I took the original code.
Thank you in advance for your help and I'm starting to learn VBA on my own.