Special recording of CATIA files


The "Records Management" feature is probably the answer to your problem.

Let's imagine that in my case I have a product with 2 parts: A shaft and a hub. If I want to save the tree independently after a change I can either "save as" or apply a pattern. In my case I'm going to put "_2" as a pattern.

And as you can see in the image below, a 2nd file has been created with the pattern. The problem (or the advantage, depending on the point of view) is that it recreates a file for each pattern applied so on the one hand it risks overloading your folders, but on the other hand it allows you to have backups of your parts.

Note that the product links with the last registered parts so if you want to change a part, you will have to modify the links directly in CATIA. 

I myself still have some misunderstandings with the way CATIA links and saves its files so correct me if I'm wrong. :)


That's not really what I'm trying to do. 
The file names are defined in the tree and I want when I save the assembly it takes the names in the tree 

Excuse me but I don't understand your problem.

You want that when you change the name of your part in your tree, your file name to .catpart will also change, right?



My problem is not solved yet  


Thank you for your patience. I'm sorry but I haven't been able to find any other solutions than those explained above. Apart from changing the index with each new recording I don't find anything very interesting.

I can suggest that you do it in 2 steps:

  1.  Record Management -> Apply a Pattern to the Product AND to the Shares -> Click OK
  2.  Once the pattern is applied, File -> Send To -> Directory -> Moved the candidate files into the selected files and choose a new folder.

By doing this way you will be able to keep each old version of your product (for backups) and the storage of your assembly will be clean because it will be stored in separate folders. Unfortunately, I can only offer you this as an alternative because I can't figure out how to simply change the file name from the tree view. (Again, it's a question of the link between CATIA and Windows, but that's beyond my current skills)


p.s: Here is a PDF from the CNRS of Grenoble on CATIA. Page 12 you can learn more about records management: Link