Save solidworks files under a reference or name?


Today I save my files under the reference of the part, and the name remains in the descriptions. Out of curiosity I would like to know if you have any other method? 

I think that my way of doing things has limits as soon as you start to have configurations with other references than the one of the original file.

Is there a way in the windows explorer to display the different config references?





I assume you don't use EPDM?


Have you thought about Solidworks Explorer?

Several properties are integrated or even customizable in order to find a file by its name, its code, its reference, etc...


Plus, you might know where this piece is being used, get a first-hand look... In short, the software is much more complete than a traditional Windows explorer.


Have a nice day!


It depends on many things: management of plans in your ERP, ranking,  management of revisions.

These are vast questions but influence many things on a daily basis and once you have made a choice, it is difficult to go back, especially if you manage many parts.

We have set up a management system with the part number. That is to say that each SolidWorks part is registered with its reference that corresponds to that of the ERP. Thus, the assemblies bear a ten-digit reference (e.g. 22660060). Thus each piece will have this prefix and will be added -01, -02... Then we break down the sub-assemblies (e.g. 22660060-100) and the parts that belong to it will be 22660060-101, -102...

Our revisions are only indicated in the cartouche and not in the name of the part.

This has the consequence of overwriting the plan once the modification has been made. But it greatly simplifies the links in SolidWorks since the modification will be made in all assemblies using this part.


These are only leads and its choices must be thought out according to your use of plans and references in order to facilitate communication between the different departments of the company, customers and suppliers.


See you...

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Yes I don't use EPDM, I'm in a single workstation.

Today my projects are under 3 types of registration

1-Just the name of the part, and the drawing under the part number

2-the ref of the family of parts followed by the name of the part and the drawing under the part number

3- Part ref and drawing under the part number


I noticed that for condition 1 as I have family folders for the final assembly I can have the same name in 2 different folders, and that's where I have problems opening (as if by chance the assembly doesn't open the right parts)


I have almost 4000 parts for one machine. So I ask for an opinion before modifying everything

The problem with similar names...


The problem with SW is that it only looks for the parts in the directory where it is stored last!


Before that, it will search the RAM, the specified paths, the last path used, etc.


So if you have opened a document "A" it has little, you have closed it and you open a new (different) document "A", SW will automatically open the first one so the wrong one for you.


Hence the interest in differentiating file names and using a management system.

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rmorel, your answer crosses very strongly with what I thought.

For revision indexes I do the same thing except that I keep a pdf copy in a history file.

I work on machines that are 30 years old (see more)

in reference I am in format: Family number in letter+Machine type number in digits+classification letter+ref 5digit The revision only appears on pdfs at the end of the file name that I send to the suppliers.