Wrapping around a workpiece


Could someone give me a method to accurately model a strap stretched around an object, passing through point A and point B following sketch attached?

My difficulty is to find the right trajectory.

INVENTOR 2015 or SOLIDWORKS 2011sangle

Thank you.




It's possible with SolidWorks I think, but the picture is not very clear.

Can you attach it?

And where exactly do you get stuck?


if you have made your 2 points, you make a 3D sketch and then connect the 2 points with 5 lines (1 per side) and you make them collinear by constraint. There you will have the erection; Then you create the assembly with the part and its sketch and then you insert a new part into it. once this new part is created, you create a new 3D sketch and convert the already created one, then you leave the sketch, then you make a plan at the end of the 3D sketch to put the sketch of the strap there, then you leave the sketch again and finally you do boss/base swept and there your strap will be made st will follow the line from point A to B... Under Solidworks

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Otherwise, you create a plane oriented according to the angel (or angles) that your strap should take.

Then you create a sketch on this plane by converting the edges of your solid.

The advantage is that you have a 2D sketch

The disadvantage is that the reference plans are not aligned with those of your solid starting point.

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Here is the sketch attached. I admit that we mainly work with INVENTOR.


for me with SW 2012 yes I know I'm late but it suits me well ;-)

The simplest way to draw the sketch lines for the layout 

convert them to 3D curves

A sketch of a circle 

a circle scan on 3D sketch

and repetition of it

see example under SW 2012

the visual being there and we can if we want to refine the thing 

@+ ;-)


to GT22:

Your proposal seems indeed visually correct except that the strap is flat and you have to manage the twists (which is why I do smoothing and not sweeping). The sketch provided is simple but today the strapped pieces are more complex with rounding. I need something specific because we also make the straps.

Thank you all.

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nothing prevents you once done

create a surface to have a rectangular strap

or to change the space between repetitions and multiply the number of these repetitions ;-)

You already have enough to eat on it, don't you?

for the management of the twists of the real straps

or the one made in 3D?

Show us a strap to see if it can really fit the part to be held at this angle

Afficher l'image d'origine

a genre like this

In fact, gt22 offers the same thing as me...

@ AC cobra 427

When reading your thread not really the same thing did you try with your theory

I tried in volume and surface by changing X times the parmeters

 It is true that my version may be obsolete for some

but via a sweep on a rectangular section it's not terrible terrible ;-(

it doesn't work under SW 2012 even in surface where you have to do it in X step and the strap once unfolded does not remain straight

so let's see what's good

If you master sheet metal; You could do it as a sheet metal part. At each facet angle of the piece, you'll have a crease that will follow your sketch.

gt22 you are talking about making sketches and then converting them into a 3D sketch and doing a scan. That's exactly what I marked, I just didn't give the shape of the strap...

Hello and thank you all.

I found a precise solution for the part shown in sheet metal with INVENTOR. I think it's the same with Solidworks:

creation of a sketch on a plane perpendicular to the part following the contour of the part and having as its end the projection of points A and B.


Dropped edge according to profile (INVENTOR) or bent base leg (SW).

unfold everything and create a sketch. project point A and point B. draw a vertical through point B to the edge of the contour, then draw a straight line through the projection of point A and the intersection of the 1st right and the contour (pointC). trace the strap.

esquisse sur le déplié

Remove the material around the strap. fold up.


In the end, it was very simple that way.

For the torsional parts on the more complex parts and on the ring grip I stay on the smoothing.


I hope that this can be used by others, other applications are possible.

IPT file on request.