Engraving winding with draft on conical surface


I would like to create an engraving of text with draft on a cone.

I use the winding function but you can't put draft.

Help me please.....!

Thank you in advance. 


Look at this tutorial, it can help you, towards the end I explain a method of extrusion on a cylindrical surface (it also works on a cone) from surface, you can surely specify a draft angle from the extrusion function


Enlistment only works on cylinders

Does your text have to go all the way around your cone?

If that's the case, the best thing I think is to create your cone in sheet metal

then you make a unfold and on this unfold you make your text sketch with cutting out letters via material removal

You fold your cone so you will have your text imprint

the rest it seems to me is quite simple


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