Winding a logo


I want to make a winding of an iage  logo on a cylindrical side. When doing this option, it displays a message that the logo sketch is not closed, yet it is not. Can you help me solve this problem please.



Could you please give us a screen print of the file with the coiled sketch or the Solidworks file???


Check the sketch carefully

It is specified that it is possible for several strokes to overlap

A copy of this sketch is required as requested by our friend @ AC Cobra




Here is a screenshot of the message received when doing the winding.

Rq: to copy the sketch of a green open file another I used ctrl C  normally it doesn't cause any problem nn??


The request was to show the sketch or post the file

The message is already in the first post

Which SW version are you on?




This file is from solidworks 2014 but I usually work under the 2016 version, 

thank you for helping me solve this problem


It works well 

Just recreate a sketch with via Convert Entities

Check Select a channel

so in your case 4 strings the 4 entities to convert

you'll end up with a black sketch so it's completely constrained

It's up to you to roll up the piece

@+ ;-)


Thank you for your answer

I selected the Convert Entities icon, checked Select a string when I click on the sketches they are not selected

How exactly do I do it

  1. you recreate a sketch on the front plane
  2. you click convert the corresponding blue box entities
  3. you click select a channel
  4. you click on each profile
  5. so you will have 4 strings selected in entities to convert
  6. you click on the green V
  7. and it's done
  8. You end up with each perimeter completely constrained as well as the sketch strokes completely black (constrained) and also grayed out since they become regions
  9. A green light to close the sketch
  10. You create your sketch for your profile in top view
  11. you make sure that your sketch that will be used for winding can cross your extrusion (the support) in front view
  12. So the length of your extrusion depends on where you have created or put your logo sketch
  13. you select your sketch that has been converted
  14. you do winding function
  15. he asks you about what 
  16. ti click your extrusion

and it's over

I hope this time you understood ;-)

@+ ;-)


Thank you very much, it's very nice. Thank you:)

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Have you succeeded if you have resolved on the answer that will allow you to solve your problem 

@+ ;-)

yes I succeeded and here is the file solved, thank you very much
