Entities frozen in DXF import


I have a question about the management of layers on a DXF file import.

Let me explain:

-I have a drawing that I save in dxf format.

-I open this dxf in a new drawing. So I'm with all my entities linked to the "0" layers.

-When I want to link an entity to a new layer (example: thin mixed strokes) nothing happens! The entity is indeed linked to the new layer but visually, no change.

Does anyone have an explanation for this?

Thank you



When you say "I open the DXF", what software is it with? SolidWorks? DraftSight? AutoCAD?

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Once the segments are assigned to their layers, you can turn off or alumic the caluchs to visually differentiate the layers. You can also change their color!

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Sorry, I didn't specify: I'm opening the dxf from solidworks in a new drawing.

I confirm that I can't change the appearance of the edges.

Example: I want to change a visible edge (thick continuous) to a hidden edge (fine dotted)

It looks the same no matter what I do on layers.

And you just save it as?


Maybe an export would be more appropriate because there are more options:




And see these links too:




I don't use SW layers but under Autocad, the characteristics of entities can be assigned explicitly or defined "of the layer" (among others).


Perhaps there is a similar status in SW?

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Lucas P

When you talk about export, it's precisely a save as. This is what is explained in the help by the way...

That's how I do it to create my dxf indeed.

Maybe entity projection can solve my problem.

I continue to look in this direction.



What is the point of making a DXF and then re-opening it with SolidWorks?


SolidWorks does not use layers like AutoCad, i.e. one layer = one color and one line tpye.

For me, layers in SolidWorks are only useful if you save in DXF or DWg and want to find them in AutoCad or DraftSight. 

By the way, when I save it as, I manage most of my DXF layers thanks to the projection file.




Since my need was punctual, I ended up tracing the problematic traits.

New strokes react to changing layers while others do not.

Thank you for your suggestions.