ePDM: Archiving of mechanically welded parts

Hi all

I created a mechanically welded part A which is composed of bodies B and C. I used the "save bodies" function to have two .sldprt files B and C and allow me to make their drawings. In the ePDM, I have the three parts files A, B and C as well as the three drawings.

I have no problem archiving the mechanically welded part A and the drawings. However, I can't archive the files part B and C. I get the message "Action forbidden". The data cards are well populated. Does anyone have a solution?

Thank you for your help,


I have never registered the mechanically welded bodies externally in EPDM but I don't see what is blocking.

Are the file names unique in the vault?

Normally there are only names and extensions that can cause problems, if they are SLDPRT and the name is unique there should be no problems
A screen print of the PDM view perhaps?


What happens is that your welded mechanic is still open and that's maybe why he doesn't want to archive your bodies.

Thank you for your answers. The names are unique and the files are SLDPRTs. No parts are open in Solidworks and if I open them and want to archive them by Solidworks, I get the same result.

Below is a screenshot of the PDM view:

In the screen print that you attach I don't see any body "B" and "C", on the other hand I see that you are extracted on the AX and LV parts. Run the macro save bodies and archive your part file and your corresponding bodies from the EPDM