ePDM: The file is not checked out, but required by the operation

I created a welded construction piece, and I made a family out of it. The piece is formed of 1 to 4 frames. The part family controls whether or not each frame is deleted and their dimensions.

The family works very well, all the configurations give the expected results.

The problem comes at the time of archiving in ePDM: 

I have the impression that depending on the active configuration, some bodies are deleted and therefore cannot be archived. And when I manage to archive a file, if we extract it again, not all the bodies are extracted. Then, there is no way to check the file back in.

Is there a solution?

Thanks in advance.


Hello, why not create a configuration where no bodies are deleted only for the first check-in?

Which version of SW are you using? 2015 ?

Could you attach a screen view of your room with its tree structure? As well as a view with the configurations (I can't open your file).

It seems surprising that a body is not extracted, because the notion of extraction/archiving is on the file, not on the bodies it contains. Moreover, we can see that the 4 bodies are extracted like the coin. How many are you supposed to have? (HS: It's an amazing thing about EPDM that when archiving a mechanically welded part it displays all its bodies!! )

Archiving from SW or from the EPDM Explorer? If since EPDM, have you closed the room?


I found this tutorial about EPDM errors, I don't know if it helps:


But I couldn't find anything that corresponded exactly to the problem mentioned...

I am using the SW 2015 version

I tried archiving from SW, and from the EPDM explorer: same result.

I created a configuration where no bodies are deleted, that's how I manage to do the first archiving. But if I want to update the room, not all bodies are extracted (???)

Here is a screenshot of the play:

I colored the different bodies to make it more understandable. They are all present in this configuration. These are 30x30 tubes with sheet metal. Here I have four distinct frames, the bottom two are sheet metal.

Thank you for your answers.

Thank you .PL for the tutorial,

Unfortunately, it doesn't correspond to my problem. The method presented allows you to correct links to missing files, but does not allow you to correct the archiving of bodies.

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You could reprint a screen displaying a config with a deleted frame, by showing the bottom of your tree (yes I know I sui ch..., but it's to help :) )

Are you archiving from SW or from EPDM with the room closed?

Which SP of SW2015 are you on? There are quite a few problems until the SP2.1 released recently.

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Here is the screenshot requested

This would be the minimum configuration, with a maximum of hidden bodies.

As I said before, I tried to archive from SW and from EPDM with the same result.

I'm on SP2.0

I can install SP2.1 but I doubt that the problem comes from SW, or at least not directly, since everything works except the archive under ePDM.

I have installed SP2.1, but the problem persists

If you look at the welded parts list items in your part, you should find several items with the same name. at least that's what we see in your screenshot of the EPDM archive window (Square Tube 20x1.2<1> is present 2 times probably because of the configurations). When we look at the screenshot of the shaft, you will be able to see 2 of the same name for your welded parts list items.

We also have the insertion of a part in a welded mechanic. This sometimes generates 2 articles with the same name.

This is a referenced bug, SPR 846309.

If you manage to rename your articles you should be able to archive without any problem


I just saw that the file was attached -_- so I'll illustrate my words:)


Thank you Fabrice_A for your answer.

I created subassemblies of welded parts to differentiate the bodies, renamed them, and now my problem is solved.

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