I made an assembly composed of several parts. I have added equations to define the overall dimensions of the set.
But when I change the values of the equations (length / width) Not everything is updated.
Like what My "configurator" assembly measures 600x600 I want to make a 400x300 derivative Everything is going well, but I have to open the room families of each room so that everything updates.
I do CTRL+Q to rebuild everything, but it doesn't change anything When I open a room family, My dimensions present in the equation are still at 600x600 during loading Then move on to the values entered without doing anything.
Is there a way to not need to open each part to rebuild the assembly?
In order for our colleagues to help you, you would have to
that you tell us where your equations are placed,
Do you use configurations or not!
Are your links maintained between parents and children (or how do you maintain them)
Something intrigues me! How do you change the name of the files because if they are in the same directory and with the same name only the latest version can be kept. If you modify a part, all ASMs will undergo the change unless the links are cut. (I'm not an expert on this point, if you provide clarifications, I'd be a little less stupid)
On August 15th you won't have the best experts present on this type of PB, you'll need a little patience ;-)
If I believe the SolidWorks help, the Ctrl+Q shortcut only processes the active configuration. The shortcut to process all configurations is Ctrl+Shift+Q.
Help translation: - Ctrl+Q : Forces a rebuild of all the features of the active configuration in the template (API function: ForceRebuild3). - Ctrl+Shift+Q : forces a rebuild of all features in all configurations without enabling each configuration (API function: ForceRebuildAll())
As the family of parts and configurations are very similar, it doesn't cost anything to try...