Equation of functions

Hello, under solidworks 2017 I am testing things to automatically remove functions under certain conditions ... and even the basic equations don't work as I thought (see attached photo).

in fact just to test and then apply more concretely in one of the designs, I would like that if the drilling (removing mat extud1 ) is removed, the chamfers present on the 2 holes above remain, otherwise they are removed ... but this has no effect when I deactivate or reactivate my material removal... Could someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you;)




I don't really understand that; because enrem mat extud1 is not related to the chamfers. It's normal that if you remove mat extud1 that these remains.  

I may have misunderstood your request...


Hello Ac.cobra,

I don't understand your answer ;p ... I may be doing it wrong then in the equation. (haaa I just reread and re-edit...)

-(the chamfers are indeed not on the same extruded hole 1 you mean) but that's normal ...

I thought my function said that if the extrud 1 = removed, then the chamfer 1 is removed (on the other holes), or otherwise they won't be deleted

Yet I do have a green tick when I finish writing the equation ...

In that case, how would you write it?



Impossible to make Solidworks detect if a function is deleted or not, the first part of the equation is invalid, that's why it doesn't display the result.

You can delete two Functions by having a global variable of the type:

GLOBAL VAR = 1 or 0 if you want to enable or disable both features

DRILL FUNCTION = iif(GLOBAL VAR = 1,"unsuppressed","suppressed")
CHAMFER FUNCTION  = iif(GLOBAL VAR = 1,"unsuppressed","suppressed")

You will only be able to remove functions by putting 1 or 0 in the "GLOBAL VAR"

Impossible to delete the functions in the design tree by hand knowing that they will be controlled by equations
This is the closest thing you want, if I understood correctly...


Ok thank you Michael,

But with your method, I have to go back to the equations to change this value from 1 to 0?

"Impossible to detect solidworks if a function is removed or not ... ", it's a shame because I wanted to make a config with the function activated and one without ... which then, with the equations, led to the rest of the equations...

you have directed me well Michael, Thank you for your answers.



It must be possible to configure the value of the variable.
Otherwise, make a sketch with just one line and use the length dimension instead of the variable.

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