Rolling on a surface


I'm designing a metal candle holder for my internship, I've already modeled the bottom but the second part is causing me a lot of problems!

The top of the piece is a curved aluminium sheet. I drew the shape on autocad and imported it to solidworks. I'm stuck on two points:

- the surface on which my drawing is to be "rolled" must be smooth as a sheet but uses different radii and is in this case  very flared in the center compared to the place where it attaches to the lower part. How to draw this surface (it is not a cone)?

- I absolutely have to use the winding function so as not to change the measurements of my drawing, but this function can only be used on an extrusion, on a cone or a cylinder .... The projected curve does not work and completely changes my dimensions: How to do it?



I don't really understand the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you say, the winding function only works on faces with a curve in 1 direction, such as a straight or conical cylinder

and not on parables 

if I understood correctly but not sure

It's up to you to make your sheet with a certain thickness that you will cut via 2 surfaces (outside and inside)

and then apply to your parable

I have to model the shape of the top, which is supposed to be an aluminum sheet and I drew the exact plan on autocad. Now I have to wrap this sketch on a surface but the wrap function doesn't work on surfaces.... I'm stuck

Show your leaf

This sheet must be on your dish?

what version are you in SW?

Here is the flat sheet, it must fit the shape of the candle holder yes! 

I am using the 2013 version

But I can also open with the 2016 version at work!

I stayed in SW 2012 ;-)

what is your sheet special

horizontal strokes?

ah okay :)

Uh, nothing at all, orizonal lines are strictly useless! 

Try with a forming tool, if you want to stay in sheet metal.


Edit: And if you want to make a roll, just test on half of your sheet. which you will then symmetrize.

I don't necessarily want to stay in sheet metal, as long as I find a solution that works as close as possible to my model at the formal level:)

It looks furiously like a cone.

Are you sure that putting arcs of circles rather than splines wouldn't be suitable (sketch 21, 26, 27, 28)?

yes it can work too, only if I create a cone that fits perfectly with the bottom of my candle holder, the top of the cone won't be flared enough I've already tried


see if it suits you, it's in Solidworks 2016. This is just one approach, then you will have to adapt and adjust as you wish...


How will the piece be formed?

You could have 2 portions of cone (one to join the base, one to do the reflector part).

Did you try to make the part flat and then deform it using the stamping tool?

Yes it seems like a good idea to me but I don't really know how it works to create the tip and then use it

To have it unfolded??? If you have 2016 look at my tutorial it will help you...

see your piece with the unfolded one that you can record in DXF


I managed to get the shape I wanted thanks to the sheet metal functions. Now I don't know how to bend my sheet of metal just at the bottom so that it follows the last 2 curves exactly?

I think you'll have to make your part in 2 parts and then weld them together, unless you do it by stamping but I don't think you have the tools for, or if you have an old nibbling shear or you can put a specific tool on it.