Mechanically welded element creation error


For some time now, I have not been able to create mechanically welded elements.

I create a new part, I draw a sketch and by selecting it I try to create a mechanically welded element, except that there appears the following cryptic error message: "A library function cannot be inserted into a part that is already part of the library function.". At first I thought that the problem came from the path to my welded mechanical profiles but no. I even recreated a new profile and tested but without positive results.


Have you ever encountered this problem?

For your information, this happened shortly after we installed solidworks PDM as well as Solidworks 2018 SP4.




Hello, after the installation did you put the paths back??? File option/location???  

Kind regards

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Yes absolutely, that's the first thing I checked.

I then recreated a new profile in a test folder and I have the same error.

Given the message, it looks like your part is not saved as a normal part, does the file have the sldprt extension?


Wow, amazing.

So it turns out that if I create a new part and I try to make my mechanically welded element it doesn't work, but if I record the part and then I try, it works.

This must be due to an error in the part model.

Thank you very much for your help!