Error in unfolded


I am coming to you because I am faced with an error in the unfolding of a sheet metal compared to the folded. The problem comes from the notching, on the unfolded, it is too small, while on the folded, it is done correctly.

Everything leads us to believe that the folded sheet metal function does not communicate well with the rest, but I don't understand what is wrong.

I enclose the play. To see the problem, unfold the sheet metal and compare the size of the notches.

Thank you very much


Unable to open the file.

Right-click on the unfolded function and see if corner processing is enabled or not and the other options too. See attached gif


Same for me, impossible to open the file and like @sbadenis, I use the same settings in the unfolded.


Good evening, thank you for your answers.

Indeed, it is the "corner treatment" option that is causing chaos. Is this option useful? Is it better to disable it by default? In this case, it caused an error and problems during bending, whereas in the SolidWorks help it is specified that its purpose is to make the parts manufacturable.

I put you images of the folded and unfolded room with and without the option.

What are the essential options to tick to get a correct unfolded?

Also, what do you think of the "sheet metal bent on edge" function? It's convenient and intuitive, but is it this feature that is causing a problem in my case?

Thank you very much

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Try to make this piece from the start without the volume functions.

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Is this the result you want in the corners?

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Soring, it's not the expected result. As in the "folded" image in my previous post, we want rectangular notches.

In itself, on the folded, there is no problem, but it is on the unfolded that there is an error in the notching.

Okay but I don't have any mistakes even with corner notching.

If we could open the file we could say more maybe. But he looks very corrupt.





Ok, here is the piece again.

Indeed, when the part is made via a single sheet metal function, there is no problem.


future version for me but it will work for others.

Hi everyone,

I take the liberty of reminding.

What do you think of the "sheet metal folded on edge" function? It's convenient and intuitive, but is it this feature that is causing a problem in my case? Should we leave "corner processing" ticked by default?

Thank you very much.

If I understand correctly, it is the treatment of the corners applied to a volume body converted into sheet metal that is the problem.
From my point of view, volume-to-sheet metal conversion is something to keep in troubleshooting when you can really no longer afford to redo the part natively in sheet metal.

If this should happen to you often, you can open a ticket at the support level.