Automatic Bubble Error


I'm having a problem bubbling my assembly

The screw and nut are numbered 3 and 4 but the bubble comes out with the same number 3 for the 2 pieces
This does it to me in automatic and manual bubbles.
Do you have any idea where this can come from?

Thank you


It must be in the properties of your nomenclature. Wouldn't you have selected " first level only " at random?

or your BOM which is not related to your eyesight?


Excuse me, BOM? ^^

Bill Of Material => Nomenclature


On the other hand, I just looked at your image. It's surprising to see that out of 3screws, 2 are spotted with bubble 2 and only one with bubble 3

How is this screw specific compared to the others? (insert? repeat? assembly option?)


I'll take a look at the configs... There are the options " Show configurations with the same name under a single article number", etc. which can give this result.

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Thank you for your answers

Marks 2 and 3 for screws are explained by the difference in screw length

On the other hand, between the nut and the screw there are two separate files, both in mark 3, which I don't explain


Are your balloon numbers different with a different view? (To be tested)
Is your screw+nut a sub-assembly?
I imagine that the arrow of the bubble is ...
Take a screenshot of the characteristics (properties) of your BOM.
Is the phenomenon reproduced if you " group" your exploded party?

Kind regards.