3D Sketching + Extrusion... How to do it?


I'm looking to do a 3D sketch offset.

You can't do it as simply as a normal sketch since you can walk around on 3 axes...

So I'm looking for a way to achieve my ends.

Here is the bent sheet metal that I am making:


So I am looking to have a rim made for this sheet following the left external profile.

I tried to do it by swiping by creating a profile like this: 


But the problem is that it gets stuck for the shelves:

As you can see, the rays intersect and in my opinion that's why when I validate the scan it tells me the error message: "The scan has created a body that is not topologically valid"


Anyone have a solution? 

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And with a sheet metal bent on the edge?


See here at 2 min 47:




No, because my plans are not going to be good.

This edge will be laser cut and then welded to my sheet metal. (after having undergone some bending to match the curvatures of the sheet metal)

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It's normal, your plans are not parallel.


You have to make your folds one by one, then edit the udder to gnaw it.


Or remove material to make your cuts.


Then if it's just a flat that comes back after cutting, you have to draw sheet metal bases, and not folds on the edge.

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Question p

Why not go through the volume of the shell function and the removal of material for the parts that are not imposed 

and then you convert to sheet metal 

And flattening 



Yes, it's going to be in two parts.

I don't really see how I could make a sheet metal and make it fit my plate...

Yes like the @ Bart your fields of sheet metal are not on the same plane so 

If you want a continuity of your folds they can't have the same angle

That's why I think the volume design function for this case is in my opinion + suitable

at least that's how I feel 


the covers added, draw them in volume and not in sheet metal.


It will already make less conflict. Then you put yourself on a plane (left for example) and you create a sketch by having the entities converted

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For example:

Creation via a solid transformed into sheet metal

see attached file SW 2012

@+ ;-))


Good evening

It's not easy but if we remove the material and then we make an extrude of the shape? just to bring everything back to the same level

