3D sketching in solidworks for static graphics


This morning I watched a graphical method approach to determine static forces on a mechanism.


From the definition drawing of the object in situation, building the 3D sketch remains simple. On the other hand, how can we break the sketch relations without distorting the structure that has been defined by the dimensions;

Sketch rotation functions can also work in 3D.

Thank you for any help, have a good day.




Good evening @spectrum 

Good news, I didn't understand anything!   ;-)  ;-) ;-)

You say (( On the other hand, how can we break the sketch relations without distorting the structure that has been defined by the dimensions;

Sketch rotation functions can also work in 3D.))

I opened your project and I wonder why you complicate your life with 3D sketches.

In your case, simply make a plane parallel to the top plane located 4000 mm from the latter. On this plan 1 draw your 3000 x 200 rectangle and constrain one of the sides with respect to the origin.
So -I don't know if that's your goal- you will be able to slide (like on wheels :-) your rectangle over a stroke of 2400 mm. You can even put a virtual opening and closing stop with a distance constraint of 2400. This type of constraint allows you to move and stop the object according to the defined dimension.

On the other hand, for the rotation for (Sketch rotation functions) I don't see where this applies in your model. What rotation are you talking about and where is this ????

Kind regards

@tous attached image to better understand my proposals and questions ;-)



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