Sketch with a % angle

Hello everyone.

I would like to know if there was an easier way on SW to make a sketch and apply an angle in % instead of degrees without having to go through calculations etc? 


Thank you


Do it by construction line (not possible to replace an angle in ° by % -the units available=radian deg/min...):



Otherwise a converter, to quickly get the value in degrees of your value in percents.

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Thank you all,

I see that SW still doesn't manage the slopes in %, so we continue with the hacks.



Another method, in the numeric input area of your angle, type the equation    =atn(6/100)    in which you replace 6 with the desired percentage of slope.

Then if you want to display the quote in %, in the quote options, you replace the "Quote text" <DIM> with 6%

Because it's an equation, the sigma symbol will remain visible, and to change its value you have to right-click on the coast and then "edit an equation"

All you have to do is replace the 6 with a different percentage.

I know you wanted to avoid calculations but hey, it's not that complicated to type or remember.

Kind regards


Faster and more convenient to change the value, a double-click on the dimension opens the "edit" dialog box.

PS: (I would have added this to the previous post but it's no longer possible)