Sketch on folded side

I can't open your file future version you do it under which version?

I'm on SW2012 sp 3 premium


It's true that if the part is made in sheet metal from the beginning it works with my version, the sketches follow the faces


but if you play with the unfold and fold a fold functions

At a certain point the sketches are duplicated before and after the fold or at least the sketch disappears which loses its origin from the front but no plane


you have to unfold the piece but not fold by fold


Things are not well optimized in there it's not 100/100 efficient


and if you start from a volume that you convert into sheet metal it doesn't follow the faces


@+ ;-)


I just tested on a 2012 at work and it works! The sketches of the piece you posted follow the unfolding well! Weird that there are bugs from time to time! A+

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yes like all bugs it's weird


made a test unfolded a fold simply and fold a fold and not unfolded pieces

after a while at home

things like you say weird happen


how weird no it's SolidWorks


@+ ;-)

Hello to you,


I don't know if it was said so I say it^^


test with "unfold"/"fold" and not with "unfolded"



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@ jbcretin if you follow the thread of discussion it's been a few times that I've said it and said it again

and proven with the file (and the) files present in the thread I posted ;-)

@+ ;-)

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@gt22 so much for me DSL;)

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Hello Sami,


I don't understand, I have no problem with this type of sketches.

I use the faces of my sheet metal piece directly to lay my sketches, and they follow the unfolded correctly - fortunately, everything goes through a laser -


See attached views.




For those who can't open the room I put a screenshot

in fact the sketch in question is a 3D sketch, 

I do not think it is possible to follow this sketch easily


By passing a sweep to make a scan on the form, it goes flat


Hi all


I logged out for a long time and please apologize for not responding to all of your answers.


Thanks to jfardon your solution works perfectly.


Thank you again to all