Sketching on Solidworks & Welded Constructions


I just changed software, from inventor to Solidworks.

I want to create a "project" railing to have a more precise view for my client of his project.

I would like to install lines of guardrails via welded constructions.

First of all, I created a sketch to balance my lengths.

However, only the handrail can be seen on my 3D.

Thank you for your help.


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Hello Aurélien, would you please have a screenshot to show us, so that we can better understand your problem???

Thank you in advance


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I invite you to follow this link. It's a tutorial I did some time ago.

Kind regards.



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A more explicit PDF

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This may be due to the fact that there are 3 separate  sketches in your profile.

If you want to work like this, why not go through a library sketch and do an extrusion or a sweep?


That's true, but that's not what I want.

I want to incorporate guardrails into project plans, so I want to spend as little time as possible on that.

I've never tried but I don't have the impression that SW knows how to manage mechanically welded profiles from a sketch with several disjoint contours that generate as many bodies as he will be able to manage at the part list level.


Humph... Personally sketch 3D and then create groups in the function of creating mechanically welded parts

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To make it quick, the @Frédéric method is the right one: a sketch (multi-profile) scanned, if you don't need to retrieve the mechanical-welding information...


Indeed, stefbeno is right.

SW does not know how to manage several profiles within a single welding profile.

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It's a bit loose to make project plans for quotes...