Is it possible to deselect the other files by default when changing the state of an assembly?


When changing the state of an assembly from a committed state to a new revision (return to study in progress), is it possible to have by default only the file (and its associated drawing) chosen for the change of state.

Indeed, currently all the files included in the assembly are pre-selected and changing too quickly results in a revision change for parts and assemblies that do not need to be modified.

Thank you in advance.


Yes, it's almost possible because the automatic selection will then only be on the selected file but not on the associated drawing. This happens at the admin level in the settings of groups and/or users at the level of the References dialog box, look here, the subject has already been addressed.

Kind regards

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Good evening

Since the 2019 version (if I don't make a mistake) you can take the plan associated with the selected file.

It's in the same settings page, you have to check "Select references defined as drawing nodes when changing states." and remember to uncheck "Select child references when changing state." otherwise it will take everything away.


Thank you very much, it's perfect.
