Is it possible to wrap an assembly or part with an enclosed surface?

Hi all

Here's my problem : I'd like to switch an assembly or a part to CFD (with software that is used for fluid mechanics). However, I would like to know if it would be possible to cover this assembly or this part with a single closed surface in order to simplify my mesh and avoid calculation errors as much as possible.

I work on SolidWorks and Catia V5.

Did you know that there is a function that allows me to do this ?

Thanks in advance:) 

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You want to create a closed volume around your part / assembly

If it's to create an envelope in this case create a hollow body and insert your piece in it

or simplify your part and assembly in surface

If this is the case just register your assembled part in part

And then in STL you will only have an external surface

@+ ;-)


I've already tried what you just told me, but it's not what I'm looking for. I probably expressed myself badly..  I would like to create a surface that allows me to fill in my discontinuity / empty space between two rooms (see attached photo).



Have you created surfaces to fill these cavities

via the surface close the surfaces

and resume if necessary

all your piece and create x surfaces and then sew all these said surfaces

@+ ;-)


That's what I did, but the problem is that it increases the chances of error when calculating CFDs because it creates a lot of plain delimited surfaces while I would like to know if it was possible to cover my assembly or my part in a single surface or if it was not possible?

I've tried everything you just told me and I thank you for helping me but it doesn't work..

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You can create a canister part that wraps your ASM or prt and then use the molding tool to make a mold and then from the mold remake a part. This will no longer have a discontinuity for your simulation. 


AC Cobra 427,

Thank you, I'll test it and I'll keep you posted:)

Hello under CATIA there is the workshop

DMU Optimizer.
First solution: Wrapping
Monochrome external simplification. (All parts).

Second Silhouette solution
(Ray tracing according to the six Catia views plus the user one)
Inherits the graphical properties of the Catia model.
Simplified representation only of what we see.

I don't have so I can't be sure that this will suit you?

EDIT: the icons concerned

(the two functions create an external envellope of the assembly)



you can sew these x surfaces

This will give you only 1 and only surface

but if you also plug the openings via one of the surfaces

so you can record in part and make a recording in step

you will have a step for your study

@+ ;-)

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Franck.ceroux, thank you for your help, I'll look in the week because I don't have Catia at work ..

I don't know if you know hydrography?! But basically that's what I'd like to do in 3D.. Have a single surface without boundaries..

hydrography link (for info):

See photo to understand my expectation


To do as in your attachment "capturelynkoa2.png" Just make shaded image as in the attachment

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Good evening

You need to fill in the discontinuities, you will get several surfaces that will have to be sewn later to get only one surface. There is a bit of work, but you can't move forward without going through there. It will probably be easier under Catia with the surface module, but you have to know this module well.

If you can, put a file or the area you would like to make so that we can offer you solutions.

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@ leblanc

it's a copy and paste of one of my answers ;-)





Have you created surfaces to fill these cavities

via the surface close the surfaces

and resume if necessary

all your piece and create x surfaces and then sew all these said surfaces

@+ ;-)


5 hours ago





I'm not sure !! Is it the edges of surfaces you're talking about?

The black display of surface edges is common to many CAD software.

It materializes a discontinuity in " curvature ", which is the case for sharp edges, or continuous radius connections in " tangency ".

Changing the display mode does not change the behavior, they are always surfaces delimited by their edges

Is it the fact that when you select it is only the selection and not the whole surface that is selected your PB??

I don't know enough about simulation software to say if it will help you but under CATIA in GSD there is a " Federation " option.

The surface assembly then behaves as a single surface even if the connection to the surface edges is discontinuous (sharp edges).

But I'm afraid that this behavior is not usable for simulation software.

I have attached a video to show the "surface selection" behavior of this function.


Hello @franck.ceroux


Perfect that's what I'm looking for in a way, but I'd like to do it on much more complex surfaces in delineations between several surfaces. In fact, I want to create a piece or assembly and then cover it with a single surface..


Thank you all for your help

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