Can someone please help me understand how this software works and how to do my modeling and get the necessary calculations?

Hi, I'm MP and I need in my type a simulation of Solideworks I want to make a comparison between the drag that a wing  without winglet can suffer and another with it, while I don't know how it works this software is the first one I've used it


Your question is really too vague to answer. Moreover, it is not in a few answers from users that you will know how to use this simulation software. I advise you to go to the tutorials offered in the "SOLIDWORKS Tutorial" section or to look on the web for tutorials on the subject. Training would probably be much more appropriate in order to start with a good foundation!

Kind regards



I agree with what @Jmsavoyat says and I specify that in your case you need to have not the basic simulation module but the module that contains FlowSimulation.

If you don't have this module, you won't be able to achieve your goals.

You should also know that all the modules are designed and used by high-level professionals and above all trained for a long time in their use, which is much more complex than it seems.
My point of view should not discourage you and that embarking on such a study is not at the level of a TIPE, it is too ambitious.

You're in your final year, aren't you?

Kind regards


@Jmsavoyat @Zozo_mp I want to thank you for your answers, I will try to watch tutorials to understand how it works  , as far as the Flowsimulation is concerned I don't know if the software I own contains it or not (I have the solideworks2014), and for the level I am in the 2nd year of prepas, So it's a type to take the orals of engineering schools

Kind regards

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in perfect agreement with the previous answers

already at the base you have to model,

preferably in surface

or find a ready-made kite with the right values

After creating x diff version

see this link
